40 Days to A New You

I’m sure you’ve heard of the long-held spiritual belief to the number 40.
40 Days To change or break a habit.
90 Days To confirm a new habit.
120 Days The new habit is who you are.
1000 Days You have mastered the new habit.
We have just 40 days before we go into the next year.
What if we prepare ourselves, by releasing what is not working for you and polishing ourselves to bring in even more potential and possibilities in the New Year.
Every day for forty days, we will find one new thing to experience. It may be something you do, see, hear, feel, think or even notice. The point is to challenge ourselves, to engage our curiosity, inspire our creativity, to give us things to look forward to every day, and to keep our energy moving. It’s out with the old, in with the new, only instead of waiting around for the new to occur, we are going to challenge ourselves to make sure that it does.
If you challenge yourself to have a new experience every day for forty days, you will not only keep your energy flowing but you may even make a discovery that creates a whole new avenue of happiness in your life.
I Dare YOU – Pick Up The Challenge !
This is a WhatsAPP Course. Each day a short exercise will be shared for you to practice for the next 40 days. Topics covered Self Development, Self Confidence, Self Love, Brain Stimulation, Prosperity, and much more.