Read Your Akashic Records

In this module you will learn how to UNLOCK the Infinite Power, Wisdom and Energy of the Universe !

What is it About

The Akashic Records are said to be a complete recording of the lives of every person who has ever lived. These records influence your current reality and shows up in your life in the form of challenging relationships and life situations.  The Akashic Records are therefore a record of your past, that is meant to inform your present about what your soul consciousness needs to do to evolve.

Heal the past and 80% of your issues will dissolve.

The Akashic Records is the absolute of all human events across all space and lifetimes, past, future and present. In this course, you will learn how to Access Your Akashic Records to go into the past or future to heal the present situation. You will not only learn to heal yourselves, but you will also learn to heal others.

What is Included

You will learn a very profound technique that I have developed giving amazing results.

You will learn the following:

  • Meditation to open your Chakras to be Connect with the Universe.
  • A method to take you into a deep relaxation state.
  • Connect with your Own Akashic Sacred Temple.
  • A method to go into the Past to observe the cause of your Present situation and re-write your records.
  • A technique to write your records in present time.
  • A method to go into the Future to create and manifest.